The Town of Riverview and the user groups have modified the timing around entering and exiting the arena for ice times. Ice times will remain 45 minutes in duration during the Orange level, however, teams, at the direction of rink staff, can only enter the building 10 minutes before their scheduled time and must exit the building within 10 minutes of the end of their ice time. Rink staff will have 10 minutes to sanitize between groups.
Team liaisons may enter 15 minutes prior to the ice time to prepare for their team to enter.
Thank you to everyone for your patience and cooperation with the changing guidelines as we deal with the 'new normal'. Directives from government agencies, hockey governing bodies and our municipal partner are ever evolving and we are all doing our best to ensure that hockey can continue in a safe environment.
Upcoming Games
U15-AA Sussex vs. Riverview Blues 1 @ Byron Dobson Arena - Lower Thursday March 13, 8:15 pm
U15 Rec D2 - Dieppe (Daigle) vs. R18 - Riverview Blues 2 (Dollard) @ Byron Dobson Arena - Lower Friday March 14, 8:00 pm
U15 Rec D5 - Dieppe (Saulnier) vs. R19 - Riverview Blues 4 (Kiley) @ Byron Dobson Arena - Upper Friday March 14, 9:00 pm
U18 Rec H7 - Hillsborough (Pugh) vs. R18 - Riverview Blues 2 (MacLeod) @ Byron Dobson Arena - Lower Friday March 14, 9:15 pm